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Is Breast Augmentation an Outpatient Procedure?

Also serving patients in Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Hollywood, Newport Beach, and Northern California, as well as nationally and internationally.

VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Is breast augmentation an outpatient procedure? The answer is, in the vast majority of cases, yes.

Certainly, primary or first time augmentation procedures are very commonly performed in the outpatient setting.

However, in the setting where we're doing more complex, secondary, or revisional breast augmentation procedures, a patient may choose to be cared for the night of surgery at facilities that specialize in care of the post operative surgical patient. In my practice, we use a facility called Serenity that, in fact, specifically specializes in post-operative patient care. I see the patient the next morning. If she feels well and ready to go home, she may then be discharged home, or she can opt to stay additional time.

So yes, while breast augmentation is typically an outpatient procedure, in the secondary setting or revisional setting, patients may stay overnight at a facility or a patient may just simply choose to stay at Serenity that first night if she doesn't have an adult to be with her the night of surgery.

I'm Dr. Jay Orringer at The Renaissance Medical Center for Aesthetic Surgery. If you have questions regarding this procedure or any other plastic surgical procedure, please feel free to contact us at 310-273-1663, or visit our website at

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