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Breast Reconstruction

Also serving patients in Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Hollywood, Newport Beach, and Northern California, as well as nationally and internationally.

After Mastectomy, When Might You Consider Using Your Own Tissue to Reconstruct Your Breast?

A breast cancer diagnosis, strong family history or high-risk gene often involves having to make some difficult decisions. Among them might be the appropriate type of reconstruction after mastectomy. Beverly Hills double-board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jay Orringer of The Renaissance Medical Center for Aesthetic Surgery, Inc., discusses when a woman might consider breast reconstruction with her own (autologous) tissue.

Before and After Plastic Surgery Gallery

Before & After Gallery

Be sure to view our Before and After Photo Gallery showing real patient results.

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Contact UsPlease contact Dr. Jay Orringer for more information, or to schedule a consultation.

“Dr. Orringer, you surpassed my expectations, and those I was afraid to hope for. The result is something I never dreamt could be. You have changed my life in so many ways. I cannot express in...

“Your office is the happiest place on earth.  Thank you for making me feel beautiful and special throughout my transformation.  Thank you for giving me peace-of-mind and helping to transform me...

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